Charter Internal Audit Unit

Jl. Pulogadung No. 4, Jakarta 13920


1. Introduction
2. Functions & Objectives of the Internal Audit Unit
3. Structure & Position of the Internal Audit Unit
4. Duties & Responsibilities of the Internal Audit Unit
5. Authority of the Internal Audit Unit
6. Internal Audit Unit Code of Ethics
7. Requirements for Auditors who Sit in the Internal Audit Unit
8. Prohibition of concurrent duties & positions
9. Appointment, Replacement & Dismissal of Head of Internal Audit Unit
10. Closing

1. Introduction

Based on the Decree of the Chairman of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency Number: KEP-496 / BL / 2008 concerning the Establishment and Guidelines for the Preparation of the Internal Audit Unit Charter as regulated in Regulation No. IX.I.7, the Company as a Public company forms an Internal Audit Unit and compiles an Internal Audit Unit Charter as a guideline for its implementation.

2. Functions & Objectives of the Internal Audit Unit

The function of the Internal Audit Unit for the Company is to assess that the implementation of Corporate Governance is according to Company`s policies and procedures.

The purpose of establishing the Internal Audit Unit is to assist the Board of Commissioners and the Audit Committee in the oversight function of Corporate Governance, outlined by the Company.

3. Structure & Position of the Internal Audit Unit

In the Company`s organizational structure, the Internal Audit Unit position is directly under the President Director and is indirectly responsible to the Chairman of the Company`s Audit Committee.

The structure and position of the Internal Audit Unit are as follows:

a. A Head of Internal Audit leads the Internal Audit Unit;
b. The Head of Internal Audit Unit is appointed by the President Director with the approval of the Board of Commissioners;
c. The President Director can dismiss the Head of the Internal Audit Unit after obtaining approval from the Board of Commissioners if the Head of the Internal Audit Unit does not meet the requirements as an auditor for the Internal Audit Unit or fails or is incapable of carrying out his duties;
d. The Head of the Internal Audit Unit is responsible to the President Director;
e. Auditors who sit in the Internal Audit Unit directly responsible to the Head of the Internal Audit Unit.

4. Duties & Responsibilities of the Internal Audit Unit

a. Develop and implement an Annual Internal Audit plan;
b. Test and evaluate the implementation of internal control and risk management systems following Company policy;
c. To conduct examination and assessment of efficiency and effectiveness in finance, accounting, operations, human resources, marketing, information technology and other activities;
d. Provide suggestions for improvements and objective information about the activities examined at all levels of management;
e. Prepare an audit report and submit the information to the President Director and the Board of Commissioners;
f. Monitor, analyze and report on the implementation of the suggested improvements;
g. Cooperate with the Audit Committee;
h. Develop a program to evaluate the quality of its Internal Audit activities;
i. Perform special investigation if necessary.

5. Internal Audit Unit Authority

a. Access all relevant information about the Company in regards to its duties and functions;
b. Communicating directly with the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Audit Committee as well as members of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, and the Audit Committee;
c. Hold regular and incidental meetings with the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, or the Audit Committee;
d. To coordinate with external auditors.

6. Internal Audit Unit Code of Ethics

a. Demonstrate honesty, objectivity, and sincerity in carrying out duties and fulfilling their professional responsibilities;
b. Demonstrate loyalty to the Company and should not be consciously involved in activities that deviate or violate the law;
c. Should not be consciously involved in any action or activity that could discredit the profession or the Company;
d. Refrain from activities that may conflict with the interests of the Company, or activities that can create prejudice, which doubt its ability to carry out its duties and fulfill its professional responsibilities objectively;
e. Should not accept anything in any form from employees, clients, customers, suppliers, or it is reasonably suspected that it could affect their professional judgment;
f. Tasks that are performed are only services that can be completed using their professional competency
g. Making efforts to meet the Internal Audit Professional Standards;
h. Be careful and prudent in using information obtained in carrying out their duties, not abusing confidential information in terms of:
– For personal gain;
– Obtained by breaking the law;
– Which can cause harm to the organization.
i. In reporting the results of their work, they must disclose all essential facts known, namely facts that would otherwise be admitted.:
– Distorting reports on activities under review;
– Cover up any illegal practices
j. Continually improving competence and the effectiveness and quality of the implementation of their duties and must attend continuing professional education.

7. Requirements for Auditors who Sit in the Internal Audit Unit

a. Have integrity and professional behavior; be independent, honest and objective in carrying out their duties;
b. Having knowledge and experience regarding technical auditing and other disciplines relevant to the field of work;
c. Know the laws and regulations in the capital market and other related laws and regulations;
d. Have the ability to interact and communicate both verbally and in writing effectively;
e. Must comply with professional standards issued by the Internal Audit Association;
f. Obliged to comply with the Internal Audit code of ethics;
g. Obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the Company`s information and data related to the implementation of the duties and responsibilities of Internal Audit unless required to be based on laws and regulations or court decisions;
h. Understand the principles of good corporate governance and risk management;
i. Willing to continually increase his knowledge, skills and professional abilities.

8. Prohibition of concurrent duties & positions

a. Internal auditors may not hold other jobs in the Company;
b. Internal auditors may not be involved directly or indirectly in the Company`s operational activities;
c. Internal Auditors may not be involved in other activities of the Company that make the Internal Auditors not independent.

9. Appointment, Replacement & Dismissal of the Head of the Internal Audit Unit

a. The appointment, replacement and dismissal of the Head of the Internal Audit Unit is carried out by the President Director and has the approval of the Board of Commissioners;
b. The appointment, replacement & dismissal of the Head of the Internal Audit Unit must be reported to Bapepam and LK;

10. Closing

The Internal Audit Unit Charter was prepared following Bapepam LK Regulation No. IX.I.7 and a review of the Internal Audit Unit Charter will be carried out if there are new things that need to be added to improve the Company`s Internal Audit Unit which has been established without reducing the rules set by Bapepam LK.

Any changes to the Internal Audit Unit Charter contents must be approved by the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners.

Thus this Internal Audit Unit Charter was prepared and must be implemented by all Internal Audit Units with a high sense of responsibility to create excellent and correct Corporate Governance.

Stipulated in Jakarta,


March 5, 2010

Antonius Wahyu Djatmiko – Komisaris Independen

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan

Diangkat sebagai  Komisaris Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPST No. 38 tanggal 28 Juni 2024 dengan masa jabatan hingga berakhirnya RUPST 2029.

Pengalaman Kerja

  • Direktur PT Windas Development (2018-2024)
  • Komisaris  PT Medialand Internasional (2009 – Present)
  • Presiden Direktur PT Gading Development Tbk (2013-2014)
  • Salah satu Pendiri & Direktur  PT Graha Layar Prima (2006-2012)
  • Presiden Direktur PT Deyon Resources (2006-2012)
  • Pimpinan PT Premier Qualitas Indonesia (2006-2012)
  • Country Managing Director CB Richard Ellis Indonesia (2000-2006)
  • Asisten Wakil Presiden  Citibank NA (1994-2000)
  • Corporate Secretary PT Jaya Real Property Tbk (1993-1994)

Riwayat Pendidikan

  • National Leadership Training dari Lemhannas RI PPSA24 tahun 2023
  • Meraih gelar MBA dari University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Chicago, Amerika Serikat  tahun 2005
  • Meraih BSc in Finance dari George Mason University, Virginia, Amerika Serikat tahun 1993

Concurrent Positions

Antonius Wahyu Djatmiko – Independent Commissioner

Nationality Indonesia

Legal Basis of Appointment

Appointed as Independent Commissioner of the Company in accordance with the Deed of GMS No. 38 dated June 28, 2024 with a term of office until the end of the 2029 AGMS.

Work Experience

  • Board of Directors PT Windas Development (2018-2024)
  • Commissioner PT Medialand Internasional (2009 – Present)
  • President Director PT Gading Development Tbk (2013-2014)
  • Co-Founder & Director PT Graha Layar Prima (2006-2012)
  • President Director PT Deyon Resources (2006-2012)
  • Chairman PT Premier Qualitas Indonesia (2006-2012)
  • Country Managing Director CB Richard Ellis Indonesia (2000-2006)
  • Assistant Vice President Citibank NA (1994-2000)
  • Corporate Secretary PT Jaya Real Property Tbk (1993-1994)


  • National Leadership Training from Lemhannas RI PPSA24 in 2023
  • Earned MBA from University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Chicago, United States of America in 2005
  • Earned BSc in Finance from George Mason University, Virginia, United States of America in 1993

Concurrent Positions

Bambang Rahardja Burhan – Wakil Presiden Komisaris – Komisaris Independen

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan

Diangkat sebagai  Wakil Presiden Komisaris sesuai Akta RUPST No. 38 tanggal 28 Juni 2024, Akta No. 30 tanggal 21 Juni 2019, Akta No. 73 tanggal 10 Juni 2016, dengan masa jabatan hingga berakhirnya RUPST 2029.

Sejak tahun 2006 telah bergabung dengan Perseroan dengan memegang berbagai jabatan antara lain :

  • Sebagai Komisaris Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPST No. 87 tanggal 20 Juni 2013, No. 71 tanggal 24 Mei 2010, No. 3 tanggal 5 Juni 2007,  No. 1 tanggal 1 Juni 2006

Pengalaman Kerja

  • Country Chief Financial Officer pada Standard Chartered Bank Indonesia
  • Manager Keuangan pada Aviva Hong Kong
  • Wakil Presiden Citibank Indonesia

Riwayat Pendidikan

Meraih gelar B.Sc bidang ekonomi dari Universitas Hull, Inggris tahun 1978 serta meraih beberapa gelar profesi diantaranya Chartered  Accountant di Inggris, Chartered Accountant di Singapura, dan Chartered Financial Analyst.

Rangkap Jabatan

Fendra Hartanto – Wakil Presiden Direktur

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan

Diangkat sebagai Wakil Presiden Direktur Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPS  No. 38 tanggal 28 Juni 2024, Akta No. 30 tanggal 21 Juni 2019, dengan masa jabatan hingga berakhirnya RUPST 2029.

Pengalaman Kerja

  • Group Head of Finance & Accounting PT. Lion Power Energi (2016 – 2018)
  • General Manager of Business Control & Reporting PT. Atlas Resources Tbk (2012 – 2016)
  • Head of Process Improvement Star Energy Ltd  (2005 – 2012)
  • Management Support Manager PT AIA Indonesia (2003 – 2005)
  • Senior Internal Control PT. Argha Karya Prima Industry Tbk (2001 – 2003)
  • Corporate Efficiency Team of Asia Pulp & Paper, Sinar Mas Group (1998 – 2001)

Riwayat Pendidikan

Meraih gelar Sarjana Manajemen Industri dan Teknologi dari Universitas Katolik Parahyangan tahun 1997.

Rangkap Jabatan

Direktur PT. Alka Niaga Industri

Sucipto Tanro – Presiden Direktur

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan

Diangkat sebagai  Presiden  Direktur Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPS No. 38, tanggal 28 Juni 2024, Akta No. 186 tanggal 25 Juni 2021, dengan masa jabatan hingga berakhirnya RUPST 2029.

Pengalaman Kerja

  • Presiden Direktur PT. Alakasa Alexindo Mitra Sejati serta CEO PT. Alakasa Extrusindo (2017-2021)
  • Presiden Direktur PT. Jaya Inti Persada (2012 – 2016)
  • General Manager Commercial & Business Development PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk (2008 – 2011)
  • Direktur Operasional PT. Pionir Beton Industri (1998 – 2008)
  • Structural Engineer dan Manager di beberapa perusahaan Kontraktor dan Konsulta perminyakan (1987 – 1998)

Riwayat Pendidikan

Meraih gelar Sarjana Teknik Sipil dari Institut Teknologi Bandung (1987)

Rangkap Jabatan

  • Presiden Direktur PT. Alakasa Andalan Mitra Sejati (d/h. PT. Alakasa Alexindo Mitra Sejati)
  • Direktur PT. Rheem Indonesia

Suryadi Hertanto – Komisaris

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan

Diangkat sebagai  Komisaris Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPST No. 38 tanggal 28 Juni 2024, No. 30 tanggal 21 Juni 2019, dengan masa jabatan hingga berakhirnya RUPST 2029.

Tahun 2003 – 2006 bergabung dengan Perseroan, kemudian tahun 2013 kembali bergabung  dengan Perseroan dengan memegang berbagai jabatan antara lain:

  • Sebagai Wakil Presiden Direktur Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPST No. 73 tanggal 10 Juni 2016
  • Sebagai Direktur Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPST No. 87 tanggal 20 Juni 2013, No. 100 tanggal 26 Februari 2013, No. 81 tanggal 23 Mei 2003

Pengalaman Kerja

  • Direktur PT Bumi Grafika Jaya (1997-sekarang)
  • Manajer Perwakilan Jakarta PT Jasuindo Tiga Perkasa (1992-1997)
  • Manajer Keuangan dan Manajer Produksi PT Singa Djawa (1989-1992)
  • Manajer Keuangan PT Sarana Utama Aircon (1983-1989)

Riwayat Pendidikan

Meraih gelar Sarjana Ekonomi dari Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang tahun 1982.

Rangkap Jabatan

  • Komisaris PT. Gesit Alumas
  • Direktur PT. Alakasa Andalan Mitra Sejati

Peng Tjoan – Presiden Komisaris

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan

Diangkat sebagai  Presiden Komisaris sesuai Akta RUPS No. 38 tanggal 28 Juni 2024, Akta No. 186 tanggal 25 Juni 2021, dengan masa jabatan hingga berakhirnya RUPST 2029.

Sejak tahun 2006 telah bergabung dengan Perseroan dengan memegang berbagai jabatan antara lain:

  • Sebagai Presiden Direktur Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPS No.  30 tanggal 21 Juni 2019 dan No. 73 tanggal 10 Juni 2016
  • Sebagai Wakil Presiden Direktur Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPS No. 87 tanggal 20 Juni 2013 dan No. 76 tanggal 12 Agustus 2011
  • Sebagai Direktur Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPS No. 71 tanggal 24 Mei 2010, No. 3 tanggal 5 Juni 2007 dan No. 1 tanggal 1 Juni 2006

Pengalaman Kerja

  • Manajer Keuangan dan Akuntansi PT Determinan Indah (1993-1999)
  • Audit supervisor pada Kantor Akuntan Publik “Hans Tuanakotta & Mustofa” (1988-1992)

Riwayat Pendidikan

  • Meraih gelar Diploma III Akuntansi dari Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia, Jakarta tahun 1987
  • Meraih Sarjana Ekonomi dari Institut Bisnis Manajemen Indonesia (IBMI), Jakarta tahun 2001

Rangkap Jabatan

  • Presiden Direktur PT. Gesit Perkasa
  • Direktur PT. Gesit Alumas
  • Presiden Komisaris PT. Alakasa Extrusindo
  • Komisaris PT. Alakasa Alumina Refineri
  • Komisaris Utama PT. Alakasa Andalan Mitra Sejati

Maradona Parhorasan Manurung – Direktur

 Kewarganegaraan     Indonesia


Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan

Diangkat sebagai Direktur Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPS No. 38 tanggal 28 Juni 2024, Akta No. 248 tanggal 23 Juni 2023 dengan masa jabatan hingga berakhirnya RUPST 2029.


Pengalaman Kerja

▪ Komite Audit PT. Alakasa Industrindo Tbk (2019 – 2023)

▪ Manajer Keuangan dan Akuntansi PT. Alakasa Industrindo Tbk (2014 – 2018).

▪ Deputi Kepala Departemen Akuntansi PT. Triputra Investindo Arya, Triputra Group (2014).

▪  Asisten Manajer Keuangan dan Akuntansi PT. Gesit Perkasa (2013).

▪ Asisten Manajer Keuangan PT. Best World Indonesia, a subsidiary of Best World International Limited Singapore (2011 – 2013)

▪ Senior Akuntan PT. Baradinamika Mudasukses, Baramulti Group (2010)

▪ Supervisor Akuntansi PT. Bahana Fortuna Niaga, Pintu Mas Mulia Kimia Group (2008 – 2010).

Riwayat Pendidikan

Meraih gelar Sarjana Ekonomi dari Institut Bisnis Nusantara (IBN), Jakarta tahun 2008.

Rangkap Jabatan

▪ Komisaris PT. Rheem Indonesia

▪ Komisaris  PT. Dharma Alumas Sakti

Maradona Parhorasan Manurung – Director

Nationality Indonesia

Legal Basis of Appointment

Appointment as Director of the Company in accordance with the Deed of GMS No. 38 dated June 28, 2024, the Deed No. 248 dated June 23, 2023 with a term of office until the end of the 2029 AGMS.

Work Experience

  • Audit committee of PT. Alakasa Industrindo Tbk (2019 – 2023)
  • Finance & Accounting Manager PT. Alakasa Industrindo Tbk (2014 – 2018)
  • Deputy Head of Accounting Department PT. Triputra Investindo Arya, Triputra Group (2014)
  • Finance & Accounting Assistant Manager PT. Gesit Perkasa (2013)
  • Finance Assistant Manager PT. Best World Indonesia, a subsidiary of Best World International Limited Singapore (2011 – 2013)
  • Senior Accountant PT. Baradinamika Mudasukses, Baramulti Group (2010)
  • Accounting Supervisor PT. Bahana Fortuna Niaga, Pintu Mas Mulia Kimia Group (2008 – 2010)


Holder of Bachelor of Economics (Accounting Major) from Institut Bisnis Nusantara (IBN), Jakarta in 2008

Concurrent Position

Commissioner of PT. Rheem Indonesia

Commissioner of PT. Dharma Alumas Sakti

Fendra Hartanto – Vice President Director

Nationality Indonesia

Legal Basis of Appointment

Appointed as Vice President Director of the Company in accordance with the Deed of GMS No. 38 dated June 28, 2024, the Deed No. 30 dated June 21, 2019 with a term of office until the end of the 2029 GMS.

Work Experience

  • Group Head of Finance & Accounting PT. Lion Power Energi (2016 – 2018)
  • General Manager Business Control & Reporting PT. Atlas Resources Tbk (2012 – 2016)
  • Head of Process Improvement Star Energy Ltd  (2005 – 2012)
  • Management Support Manager PT AIA Indonesia (2003 – 2005)
  • Senior Internal Control PT. Argha Karya Prima Industry Tbk (2001 – 2003)
  • Corporate Efficiency Team pada Asia Pulp & Paper, Sinar Mas Group (1998 – 2001)


Earned his Bachelor of Industrial Management & Technology from Parahyangan University in 1997.

Concurrent Potition

Director PT Alka Niaga Industri

Sucipto Tanro – President Director

Nationality Indonesia

Legal Basis of Appointment

Appointed as President Director of the Company in accordance with the Deed of GMS No. 38 dated June 28, 2024, the Deed No. 186 dated June 25, 2021 with a term of office until the end of the 2029 GMS.

Work Experience

  • President Director of PT. Alakasa Alexindo Mitra Sejati and CEO of PT. Alakasa Extrusindo (2017-2021)
  • President Director of PT. Jaya Inti Persada (2012 – 2016)
  • General Manager Commercial & Business Development PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk (2008 – 2011)
  • Director of Operations PT. Pionir Beton Industri (1998 – 2008)
  • Structural Engineer and Manager in several oil Contracting and Consulting companies (1987 – 1998)


Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the Bandung Institute of Technology (1987)

Concurrent Potition

  • President Director of PT. Alakasa Andalan Mitra Sejati (formerly PT. Alakasa Alexindo Mitra Sejati)
  • Director of PT. Rheem Indonesia

Suryadi Hertanto – Commissioner

Nationality Indonesia

Legal Basis of Appointment

Appointed as Commissioner of the Company in accordance with the Deed of GMS No. 38 dated June 28, 2024, No. 30 dated June 21, 2019 with a term of office until the end of the 2029 AGMS.

In 2003 – 2006 he joined the Company, then in 2013 he rejoined the Company holding various positions including:

  • As Vice President Director of the Company in accordance with the Deed of AGMS No. 73 dated June 10, 2016
  • As a Director of the Company in accordance with the Deed of AGMS No. 87 dated June 20, 2013, No. 100 dated February 26, 2013, No. 81 dated May 23, 2003

Work Experience

  • Director PT Bumi Grafika Jaya (1997 – now)
  • Jakarta Representative Manager PT Jasuindo Tiga Perkasa (1992-1997)
  • Finance Manager and Production Manager of PT Singa Java (1989-1992)
  • Finance Manager of PT Sarana Utama Aircon (1983-1989).


Earned a Bachelor of   Economy from Diponegoro University, Semarang in 1982.

Concurrent Positions

Commissioner PT. Gesit Alumas

Bambang Rahardja Burhan – Vice President Commissioner – Independent Commissioner

Nationality Indonesia

Legal Basis of Appointment

Appointed as Vice President Commissioner of the Company in accordance with the Deed of GMS No. 38 dated June 28, 2024, the Deed No. 30 dated June 21, 2019, the Deed No. 73 dated June 10, 2016, with a term of office until the end of the 2029 AGMS.

Since 2006 he has joined the Company holding various positions, including

  • As a Commissioner of the Company according to the Deed of AGMS No. 87 dated June 20, 2013, No. 71 dated 24 May 2010, No. 3 dated June 5, 2007, No.1 dated June 1, 2006

Work Experience

  • Country Chief Financial Officer at Standard Chartered Bank Indonesia
  • Finance Manager at Aviva Hong Kong
  • Vice President at City Bank Indonesia


Earned his Bachelor of Economics from University of Hull, England in 1978 and obtained  several professional titles, such as Chartered Accountant in England, Chartered Accountant  in Singapore, and Chartered Financial Analyst.

Concurrent Position

Peng Tjoan – President Commissioner

Nationality Indonesia

Legal Basis of Appointment

Appointed as President Commissioner in accordance with the Deed of GMS No. 38 dated 28 June 2024, the Deed No. 186 dated June 25, 2021, with a term of office until the end of the 2029 GMS.

Since 2006 he has joined the Company holding various positions including:

  • As the President Director of the Company in accordance with the Deed of the GMS No. 30 dated June 21, 2019 and No. 73 June 10, 2016
  • As Vice President Director of the Company in accordance with the Deed of the GMS No. 87 dated 20 June 2013 and No. 76 on 12 August 2011
  • As a Director of the Company according to the Deed of the GMS No. 71 dated 24 May 2010, No. 3 dated June 5, 2007 and No. 1 June 1st 2006

Work Experience

  • Manager of Finance and Accounting in PT Determinan Indah (1993-1999)
  • Audit supervisor at the public accounting firm “Hans Tuanakotta & Mustafa” (1988-1992)


  • Earned a Diploma in Accounting from Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia, Jakarta in 1987
  • Bachelor of Economics from Institut  Bisnis Manajemen Indonesia (IBMI), Jakarta in 2001

Concurrent Positions

  • President Director PT. Gesit Perkasa
  • Director PT. Gesit Alumas
  • President Commissioner PT. Alakasa Extrusindo
  • Commissioner PT. Alakasa Alumina Refineri
  • Commissioner PT. Alakasa Andalan Mitra Sejati