Guidance of Code Of Conduct & Business

Table of Contents:

– Introduction
– Purpose
– Benefits
– Company Culture & Values:
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Competency
  • Passion
– Ethical Standards / Ethics of Conduct:
  • Ethics towards employees
  • Ethics towards the Company
  • Ethics towards Business Partners
  • Ethics towards the Public
  • Ethics towards Regulator
– Guidelines for Implementation & Application of the Company`s Code of Ethics
  • Steps for Implementation
  • Reporting of Code of Conduct Violations
  • Sanctions for Code of Conduct Violation
  • Statement of Compliance


In principle, the Company`s code of ethics & business behavior is part of the Company`s internal regulations, which must be obeyed by all employees. The Company`s code of ethics can be used as standards and guidelines for all employees, including management, to carry out their daily work based on noble morals, honesty, transparency, and professional attitude. The Company`s code of ethics is also an essential element in implementing Good Corporate Governance (“GCG”) practices for the Company.

As a public company, the Company is responsible for meeting the expectations of shareholders and stakeholders. The application of Good Corporate Governance principles can encourage creating a corporate culture that is expected, either directly or indirectly, to increase corporate value.

Violation of the Company`s code of ethics & business conduct may be subjected to sanctions followingCompany Regulations.


– As a practical guide and code of conduct for all Alakasa personnel who must be adhered to in interacting with all parties in order to develop a good relationship between the Company, Employees and Stakeholders.
– Manifesting good behavior as per g ethical standards that apply to all employees.
– As a behavior guide for all Company personnel who must be obeyed in carrying out all Company activities.
– Creating a harmonious relationship with stakeholders


– Encourage the Company`s operational activities to be more efficient and effective, considering that the relationship with customers, communities, government, and other stakeholders has ethical standards that must be emphasized.
– Increase the value of the Company by providing assurance and protection to stakeholders in dealing with the Company.
– Increase Shareholders` assurance that the Company is managed professionally followingthe principles of GCG: transparent, accountable, responsible, independent/independent and fair to achieve the level of profitability expected by Shareholders and other Company Stakeholders.
– As a reference for each individual in carrying out the mission to achieve the Company`s Vision, and creating a work environment that supports the values of honesty, ethics and openness, to improve all employees` performance and productivity.


Company Vision:
To be a company with competency in the aluminum business from upstream to downstream.

Company Mission:
• To research business development from upstream to downstream in the aluminum business;
• To empower potential resources to support business development strategy;
• To attain professionalism through developing capabilities, upgrading of processes, operational and management system;
• To provide added value to shareholders, customers, employees, and the community.

Culture and Values of the Company

The Corporate Culture contains Company values which will serve as a code of conduct in achieving the Company`s goals, vision, and mission, which are as follows:

• Integrity Think, speak, act honestly and ethically

To create a conducive work environment, every employee must think, speak, act honestly and ethically. Having good integrity is a strong foundation for building trust

• Respect Be empathetic, listen to others, and give ethical responses

To build a balanced team, everyone must respect each other. A balanced team is a foundation for a synergized team.

A culture of respect or mutual respect between employees, both vertically and horizontally, will create a work climate that can trigger harmony and creativity and innovation among teams.

• Competency Having knowledge, skill and good attitude

To provide value and be able to work effectively, everyone must be competent in various aspects: technical, business, management and leadership.

Competency is a skill owned by every individual to carry out their duties and responsibilities in their work. Competence will include technical, and non-technical matters in one unit, including management, leadership and business competencies.

• Passion Involve and entirely responsible for each job

Passion is individual work motivation and enthusiasm to complete the job, which is a critical condition for every employee. Passion can be formed by assigning employees according to their talents, interests and competencies, combined with good interpersonal relationships.


Ethics towards fellow employees

• Mutual respect and trust among fellow employees.
• Maintain integrity and take responsibility for what is said and done.
• Developing the existing potential through professional cooperation regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, race and class.
• Maintain proper two-way relationships and communication by avoiding actions or words that blame, insult, threaten, harass or others.
• Appreciate differences of opinion and new ideas.

Ethics towards the Company

a. Conflict of Interest
Conflicts of interest arise when personal (including family) interests, social, financial, or political, clash with company interests so that they have the potential to interfere with objectivity in decision making.

• Misusing company information / assets / resources for personal interest is not permitted.
• It is not permitted to directly or indirectly own of shares in suppliers, distributors, customers, or competitors.
• It is not allowed having”outside employment / second job” in suppliers, distributors, customers, or competitors.
• Transactions that have a conflict of interest with the company are not allowed. If the transaction cannot be avoided, then proactively do not involve yourself in the decision- making process.
• It is not allowed to have other activities that interfere with the company`s activities, except with the knowledge of the authorities.
• It is not allowed to take personal advantage of the “business opportunities” which could have become “business opportunities” for the company.
• It is not allowed for “direct family members” (parents-children, husband-wife, siblings) to work for the same company / department, which potentially can create a conflict of interest (e.g. superiors-subordinates, family working in the Personnel, Finance, etc.

b. Gift
Gifts (gratuities) are various forms of gifts not in the form of cash given or received by a company or employee. Gifts in the form of cash or cash equivalents as a means of business exchange are included in the category of bribery which is prohibited by law.
• Gifts can be given to the extent that they are within proper limits of their value, form and purpose (for example at birthdays, weddings, company inaugurations, etc.), and not violate the law with the approval of the authorities.
• It is not allowed to accept or ask for gifts of any kind, either directly or indirectly, from suppliers, distributors, customers or any party related to the company that has the potential to interfere with objectivity in decision making, except for promotional materials.
• The Authorized party must be notified various forms of giving which are impossible to refuse (honorarium, souvenirs, etc.)-.

c. Company Assets
Company assets are all property of the company both intangible form (including scrap & other non-productive assets) and intangible such as working time and intellectual property (copyrights, trademarks, trade names, proprietary information, etc.).
• It is the responsibility of every employee to use company assets effectively and efficiently, and to prevent them from damage, theft, abuse or other potential losses.
• It is the responsibility of every employee to maintain the company`s image.
• Accurate and complete documents must support every company transaction.
•It is not allowed for company assets to be used by parties outside the company except with the approval of the authorized party.

d. Documentation and Confidentiality of Information
Documentation is the process of recording, storing and maintaining the confidentiality of company data and information, up to its destruction if necessary.
• It is not allowed to hide, change, falsify or disguise any existing data or information.
• Document storage and destruction must comply with applicable regulations.
• It is the responsibility of each employee to maintain the confidentiality of information that he knows or entrusts to him, including information from third parties (customers, suppliers, etc.), both while the employee is still working at the company or after leaving the company.
• It is not allowed to discuss confidential information carelessly (precautionary principle)

e. Reporting of Violations
• Every employee is obliged to report every violation to his / her supervisor, if necessary, up to the highest management level or a designated party.
• All reports will be followed up to completion, and the identity of the reporter will be protected following the prevailing laws and regulations.

Ethics towards Business Partners

a. Customer
• In principle, the company conduet business based on- the strength of its products and services in terms of Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety and Moral (QCDSM) and commitment to customer satisfaction.
• It is not allowed to give gifts as a means of business exchange, except in the form of “promotional materials”.
• Information about products and services, either verbally or through brochures, advertisements and other promotional materials, is conveyed clearly, truthfully and accurately, and does not give excessive expectations so as not to cause misinterpretation in the future that can damage the company`s image.
• The company provides the best service to all customers.

b. Supplier
• In principle, companies determine suppliers based on Quality, Cost and Delivery (QCD) factors.
• The Company must reject bribes from Suppliers or potential suppliers in an attempt to influence the Company`s decision.
• All purchases from Suppliers or sub-contractors must go through open tenders and only include reputable prospective Suppliers.
• The company prioritizes the use of affiliated company products following QCD requirements.

c. Distributor
• In principle, the company determines distributors based on the factors of distribution capability and financial capacity, service reputation, professionalism and integrity.
• The Company must reject bribes from distributors or prospective distributors in an attempt to influence the Company`s decision.

d. Creditors
• Choosing creditors who have a good reputation, and are free of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN).
• Provide factual information about the use of funds to increase creditor trust.
• Fulfill the rights and obligations in accordance with the agreement between the Company and the creditor.

e. Principals
• The company respects the agreed upon in a professional manner
• Products and services marketed by the company are obtained and carried out legally and responsibly.

Ethics towards the Public

a. Investors / Shareholders
• The Company always respects and guarantees that the rights of Shareholders / Investors followingthe Company`s Articles of Association and other applicable regulations can be fulfilled in a transparent, fair, timely and smooth manner.
• The Company provides precise, actual, accurate and transparent information to shareholders / investors so that it can givea realistic picture of the Company`s financial condition and performance.
• The Company pays attention to and respects the directions and decisions of the Shareholders as long as they are in accordance with the Articles of Association and the prevailing laws and regulations.
• The Company applies a balanced treatment principle in providing the necessary information.

b. Competitor
• The company applies aggressive competition but healthy, ethical and following the prevailing laws and regulations.
• It is not allowed to deliberately take advantage of situations and conditions and misuse information to discredit competitors / competitors` products, whether in marketing, promotion or advertising activities so that it can be categorized as an act of unfair competition.
• It is not allowed to cooperate with competitors to regulate the market which may harm customers, leading to monopolistic, collaborative or cartel practices, for example controlling prices, allocating product types or market coverage, limiting the amount of production or sales.
• In a situation where a meeting or communication occurs between the company and competitors or customers, it is necessary to continue to act ethically and following applicable laws and regulations.
• It is not allowed to obtain information about Competitors illegally and contrary to the prevailing laws and regulations.

c. Mass media
• The company places the mass media as a partner, therefore it is necessary to build positive cooperation, mutual respect and benefit.
• The company adheres to the truth and disclosure of information followingthe journalistic code of ethics and the prevailing laws and regulations.

d. Environment and Society
• Attempt to make efforts to provide benefits and added value to the surrounding community.
• As much as possible to recruit workers from the environment around the company as far as they meet the existing requirements.
• Fostering harmonious relationships with government agencies and the surrounding community through related instruments.
• Always maintain the good name and reputation of the company through personal behavior outside the company and apply the precautionary principle in using company attributes.
• It is developing a work and living environment that is safe, clean and healthy in the company environment and around the company.

Ethics towards Regulators

a. Political Activities
• The company respects the right of every employee as an individual to participate in political activities.
• The company is politically neutral and does not take sides to certain political parties. For this reason, the company prohibits political activities in the company.
• Not allowed to use company facilities, including using company identities / attributes and recruiting employees when conducting political activities.
• Must not use power or position to influence the political views / activities of employees.
• Do not abandon duties and responsibilities in carrying out political activities.

b. Compliance with Laws and Statutes
• The company always acts in accordance with the prevailing statutes and regulations.
• The company respects the licensing and copyright rights owned by each business partner.


Implementation Steps

• Disseminate the contents of this Behavioral Ethics material to all levels of employees.
• Building a joint commitment, especially company leaders, to apply the contents of this Code of Conduct consistently.
• Provide role models, especially top management (“tone at the top”), as role models that all employees will follow.
• Phasing the application more realistically according to existing conditions.
• Regularly conduct refresher, counseling and ceremonial activities to strengthen determination in implementing the contents of this material
• Linking the application of this material to the employee`s performance appraisal, including the award program.
• Linking the application of this material to various company policies, including in Company Regulations along with sanctions for violations that occur.
Reporting Violations of the Code of Ethics
• Every employee is obliged to report every violation to his / her supervisor, if necessary, to the highest management level or a party appointed.
• All reports will be followed up to completion and the identity of the reporter will be protected followingthe prevailing laws and regulations.

Sanctions for Code of Conduct Violation

Violation of the Code of Ethics & Business Conduct of the Company will be subject to sanctions in accordance with Company Regulations, in the form of verbal and written warnings, stern warnings with the suspension to Termination of Employment depending on the level of violation and the results of the Company`s assessment of violations.

Compliance Statement Form:


I, the undersigned below:

Name : ………………………
Employee Number : ……………………….
Department : ……………………….
Position : ……………………….

Hereby declare:

1. Have received and read the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct of PT. Alakasa Industrindo Tbk;
2. Pledged to comply to all ethics stated in the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct of PT. Alakasa Industrindo Tbk;
3. Willing to be subjected to sanctions as stipulated in the Company Regulations as a result of not obeying and complying to the guidelines in this Code of Ethics & Business Conduct and not limited to accountability following applicable regulations within PT. Alakasa Industrindo Tbk and / or other laws and regulations.

Thus I give this statement consciously, without coercion from any party and am willing to bear all the consequences of violating this statement.

Jakarta, …… ………………. ……….

( _______________________)


Antonius Wahyu Djatmiko – Komisaris Independen

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan

Diangkat sebagai  Komisaris Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPST No. 38 tanggal 28 Juni 2024 dengan masa jabatan hingga berakhirnya RUPST 2029.

Pengalaman Kerja

  • Direktur PT Windas Development (2018-2024)
  • Komisaris  PT Medialand Internasional (2009 – Present)
  • Presiden Direktur PT Gading Development Tbk (2013-2014)
  • Salah satu Pendiri & Direktur  PT Graha Layar Prima (2006-2012)
  • Presiden Direktur PT Deyon Resources (2006-2012)
  • Pimpinan PT Premier Qualitas Indonesia (2006-2012)
  • Country Managing Director CB Richard Ellis Indonesia (2000-2006)
  • Asisten Wakil Presiden  Citibank NA (1994-2000)
  • Corporate Secretary PT Jaya Real Property Tbk (1993-1994)

Riwayat Pendidikan

  • National Leadership Training dari Lemhannas RI PPSA24 tahun 2023
  • Meraih gelar MBA dari University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Chicago, Amerika Serikat  tahun 2005
  • Meraih BSc in Finance dari George Mason University, Virginia, Amerika Serikat tahun 1993

Concurrent Positions

Antonius Wahyu Djatmiko – Independent Commissioner

Nationality Indonesia

Legal Basis of Appointment

Appointed as Independent Commissioner of the Company in accordance with the Deed of GMS No. 38 dated June 28, 2024 with a term of office until the end of the 2029 AGMS.

Work Experience

  • Board of Directors PT Windas Development (2018-2024)
  • Commissioner PT Medialand Internasional (2009 – Present)
  • President Director PT Gading Development Tbk (2013-2014)
  • Co-Founder & Director PT Graha Layar Prima (2006-2012)
  • President Director PT Deyon Resources (2006-2012)
  • Chairman PT Premier Qualitas Indonesia (2006-2012)
  • Country Managing Director CB Richard Ellis Indonesia (2000-2006)
  • Assistant Vice President Citibank NA (1994-2000)
  • Corporate Secretary PT Jaya Real Property Tbk (1993-1994)


  • National Leadership Training from Lemhannas RI PPSA24 in 2023
  • Earned MBA from University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Chicago, United States of America in 2005
  • Earned BSc in Finance from George Mason University, Virginia, United States of America in 1993

Concurrent Positions

Bambang Rahardja Burhan – Wakil Presiden Komisaris – Komisaris Independen

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan

Diangkat sebagai  Wakil Presiden Komisaris sesuai Akta RUPST No. 38 tanggal 28 Juni 2024, Akta No. 30 tanggal 21 Juni 2019, Akta No. 73 tanggal 10 Juni 2016, dengan masa jabatan hingga berakhirnya RUPST 2029.

Sejak tahun 2006 telah bergabung dengan Perseroan dengan memegang berbagai jabatan antara lain :

  • Sebagai Komisaris Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPST No. 87 tanggal 20 Juni 2013, No. 71 tanggal 24 Mei 2010, No. 3 tanggal 5 Juni 2007,  No. 1 tanggal 1 Juni 2006

Pengalaman Kerja

  • Country Chief Financial Officer pada Standard Chartered Bank Indonesia
  • Manager Keuangan pada Aviva Hong Kong
  • Wakil Presiden Citibank Indonesia

Riwayat Pendidikan

Meraih gelar B.Sc bidang ekonomi dari Universitas Hull, Inggris tahun 1978 serta meraih beberapa gelar profesi diantaranya Chartered  Accountant di Inggris, Chartered Accountant di Singapura, dan Chartered Financial Analyst.

Rangkap Jabatan

Fendra Hartanto – Wakil Presiden Direktur

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan

Diangkat sebagai Wakil Presiden Direktur Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPS  No. 38 tanggal 28 Juni 2024, Akta No. 30 tanggal 21 Juni 2019, dengan masa jabatan hingga berakhirnya RUPST 2029.

Pengalaman Kerja

  • Group Head of Finance & Accounting PT. Lion Power Energi (2016 – 2018)
  • General Manager of Business Control & Reporting PT. Atlas Resources Tbk (2012 – 2016)
  • Head of Process Improvement Star Energy Ltd  (2005 – 2012)
  • Management Support Manager PT AIA Indonesia (2003 – 2005)
  • Senior Internal Control PT. Argha Karya Prima Industry Tbk (2001 – 2003)
  • Corporate Efficiency Team of Asia Pulp & Paper, Sinar Mas Group (1998 – 2001)

Riwayat Pendidikan

Meraih gelar Sarjana Manajemen Industri dan Teknologi dari Universitas Katolik Parahyangan tahun 1997.

Rangkap Jabatan

Direktur PT. Alka Niaga Industri

Sucipto Tanro – Presiden Direktur

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan

Diangkat sebagai  Presiden  Direktur Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPS No. 38, tanggal 28 Juni 2024, Akta No. 186 tanggal 25 Juni 2021, dengan masa jabatan hingga berakhirnya RUPST 2029.

Pengalaman Kerja

  • Presiden Direktur PT. Alakasa Alexindo Mitra Sejati serta CEO PT. Alakasa Extrusindo (2017-2021)
  • Presiden Direktur PT. Jaya Inti Persada (2012 – 2016)
  • General Manager Commercial & Business Development PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk (2008 – 2011)
  • Direktur Operasional PT. Pionir Beton Industri (1998 – 2008)
  • Structural Engineer dan Manager di beberapa perusahaan Kontraktor dan Konsulta perminyakan (1987 – 1998)

Riwayat Pendidikan

Meraih gelar Sarjana Teknik Sipil dari Institut Teknologi Bandung (1987)

Rangkap Jabatan

  • Presiden Direktur PT. Alakasa Andalan Mitra Sejati (d/h. PT. Alakasa Alexindo Mitra Sejati)
  • Direktur PT. Rheem Indonesia

Suryadi Hertanto – Komisaris

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan

Diangkat sebagai  Komisaris Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPST No. 38 tanggal 28 Juni 2024, No. 30 tanggal 21 Juni 2019, dengan masa jabatan hingga berakhirnya RUPST 2029.

Tahun 2003 – 2006 bergabung dengan Perseroan, kemudian tahun 2013 kembali bergabung  dengan Perseroan dengan memegang berbagai jabatan antara lain:

  • Sebagai Wakil Presiden Direktur Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPST No. 73 tanggal 10 Juni 2016
  • Sebagai Direktur Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPST No. 87 tanggal 20 Juni 2013, No. 100 tanggal 26 Februari 2013, No. 81 tanggal 23 Mei 2003

Pengalaman Kerja

  • Direktur PT Bumi Grafika Jaya (1997-sekarang)
  • Manajer Perwakilan Jakarta PT Jasuindo Tiga Perkasa (1992-1997)
  • Manajer Keuangan dan Manajer Produksi PT Singa Djawa (1989-1992)
  • Manajer Keuangan PT Sarana Utama Aircon (1983-1989)

Riwayat Pendidikan

Meraih gelar Sarjana Ekonomi dari Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang tahun 1982.

Rangkap Jabatan

  • Komisaris PT. Gesit Alumas
  • Direktur PT. Alakasa Andalan Mitra Sejati

Peng Tjoan – Presiden Komisaris

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan

Diangkat sebagai  Presiden Komisaris sesuai Akta RUPS No. 38 tanggal 28 Juni 2024, Akta No. 186 tanggal 25 Juni 2021, dengan masa jabatan hingga berakhirnya RUPST 2029.

Sejak tahun 2006 telah bergabung dengan Perseroan dengan memegang berbagai jabatan antara lain:

  • Sebagai Presiden Direktur Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPS No.  30 tanggal 21 Juni 2019 dan No. 73 tanggal 10 Juni 2016
  • Sebagai Wakil Presiden Direktur Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPS No. 87 tanggal 20 Juni 2013 dan No. 76 tanggal 12 Agustus 2011
  • Sebagai Direktur Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPS No. 71 tanggal 24 Mei 2010, No. 3 tanggal 5 Juni 2007 dan No. 1 tanggal 1 Juni 2006

Pengalaman Kerja

  • Manajer Keuangan dan Akuntansi PT Determinan Indah (1993-1999)
  • Audit supervisor pada Kantor Akuntan Publik “Hans Tuanakotta & Mustofa” (1988-1992)

Riwayat Pendidikan

  • Meraih gelar Diploma III Akuntansi dari Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia, Jakarta tahun 1987
  • Meraih Sarjana Ekonomi dari Institut Bisnis Manajemen Indonesia (IBMI), Jakarta tahun 2001

Rangkap Jabatan

  • Presiden Direktur PT. Gesit Perkasa
  • Direktur PT. Gesit Alumas
  • Presiden Komisaris PT. Alakasa Extrusindo
  • Komisaris PT. Alakasa Alumina Refineri
  • Komisaris Utama PT. Alakasa Andalan Mitra Sejati

Maradona Parhorasan Manurung – Direktur

 Kewarganegaraan     Indonesia


Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan

Diangkat sebagai Direktur Perseroan sesuai Akta RUPS No. 38 tanggal 28 Juni 2024, Akta No. 248 tanggal 23 Juni 2023 dengan masa jabatan hingga berakhirnya RUPST 2029.


Pengalaman Kerja

▪ Komite Audit PT. Alakasa Industrindo Tbk (2019 – 2023)

▪ Manajer Keuangan dan Akuntansi PT. Alakasa Industrindo Tbk (2014 – 2018).

▪ Deputi Kepala Departemen Akuntansi PT. Triputra Investindo Arya, Triputra Group (2014).

▪  Asisten Manajer Keuangan dan Akuntansi PT. Gesit Perkasa (2013).

▪ Asisten Manajer Keuangan PT. Best World Indonesia, a subsidiary of Best World International Limited Singapore (2011 – 2013)

▪ Senior Akuntan PT. Baradinamika Mudasukses, Baramulti Group (2010)

▪ Supervisor Akuntansi PT. Bahana Fortuna Niaga, Pintu Mas Mulia Kimia Group (2008 – 2010).

Riwayat Pendidikan

Meraih gelar Sarjana Ekonomi dari Institut Bisnis Nusantara (IBN), Jakarta tahun 2008.

Rangkap Jabatan

▪ Komisaris PT. Rheem Indonesia

▪ Komisaris  PT. Dharma Alumas Sakti

Maradona Parhorasan Manurung – Director

Nationality Indonesia

Legal Basis of Appointment

Appointment as Director of the Company in accordance with the Deed of GMS No. 38 dated June 28, 2024, the Deed No. 248 dated June 23, 2023 with a term of office until the end of the 2029 AGMS.

Work Experience

  • Audit committee of PT. Alakasa Industrindo Tbk (2019 – 2023)
  • Finance & Accounting Manager PT. Alakasa Industrindo Tbk (2014 – 2018)
  • Deputy Head of Accounting Department PT. Triputra Investindo Arya, Triputra Group (2014)
  • Finance & Accounting Assistant Manager PT. Gesit Perkasa (2013)
  • Finance Assistant Manager PT. Best World Indonesia, a subsidiary of Best World International Limited Singapore (2011 – 2013)
  • Senior Accountant PT. Baradinamika Mudasukses, Baramulti Group (2010)
  • Accounting Supervisor PT. Bahana Fortuna Niaga, Pintu Mas Mulia Kimia Group (2008 – 2010)


Holder of Bachelor of Economics (Accounting Major) from Institut Bisnis Nusantara (IBN), Jakarta in 2008

Concurrent Position

Commissioner of PT. Rheem Indonesia

Commissioner of PT. Dharma Alumas Sakti

Fendra Hartanto – Vice President Director

Nationality Indonesia

Legal Basis of Appointment

Appointed as Vice President Director of the Company in accordance with the Deed of GMS No. 38 dated June 28, 2024, the Deed No. 30 dated June 21, 2019 with a term of office until the end of the 2029 GMS.

Work Experience

  • Group Head of Finance & Accounting PT. Lion Power Energi (2016 – 2018)
  • General Manager Business Control & Reporting PT. Atlas Resources Tbk (2012 – 2016)
  • Head of Process Improvement Star Energy Ltd  (2005 – 2012)
  • Management Support Manager PT AIA Indonesia (2003 – 2005)
  • Senior Internal Control PT. Argha Karya Prima Industry Tbk (2001 – 2003)
  • Corporate Efficiency Team pada Asia Pulp & Paper, Sinar Mas Group (1998 – 2001)


Earned his Bachelor of Industrial Management & Technology from Parahyangan University in 1997.

Concurrent Potition

Director PT Alka Niaga Industri

Sucipto Tanro – President Director

Nationality Indonesia

Legal Basis of Appointment

Appointed as President Director of the Company in accordance with the Deed of GMS No. 38 dated June 28, 2024, the Deed No. 186 dated June 25, 2021 with a term of office until the end of the 2029 GMS.

Work Experience

  • President Director of PT. Alakasa Alexindo Mitra Sejati and CEO of PT. Alakasa Extrusindo (2017-2021)
  • President Director of PT. Jaya Inti Persada (2012 – 2016)
  • General Manager Commercial & Business Development PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk (2008 – 2011)
  • Director of Operations PT. Pionir Beton Industri (1998 – 2008)
  • Structural Engineer and Manager in several oil Contracting and Consulting companies (1987 – 1998)


Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the Bandung Institute of Technology (1987)

Concurrent Potition

  • President Director of PT. Alakasa Andalan Mitra Sejati (formerly PT. Alakasa Alexindo Mitra Sejati)
  • Director of PT. Rheem Indonesia

Suryadi Hertanto – Commissioner

Nationality Indonesia

Legal Basis of Appointment

Appointed as Commissioner of the Company in accordance with the Deed of GMS No. 38 dated June 28, 2024, No. 30 dated June 21, 2019 with a term of office until the end of the 2029 AGMS.

In 2003 – 2006 he joined the Company, then in 2013 he rejoined the Company holding various positions including:

  • As Vice President Director of the Company in accordance with the Deed of AGMS No. 73 dated June 10, 2016
  • As a Director of the Company in accordance with the Deed of AGMS No. 87 dated June 20, 2013, No. 100 dated February 26, 2013, No. 81 dated May 23, 2003

Work Experience

  • Director PT Bumi Grafika Jaya (1997 – now)
  • Jakarta Representative Manager PT Jasuindo Tiga Perkasa (1992-1997)
  • Finance Manager and Production Manager of PT Singa Java (1989-1992)
  • Finance Manager of PT Sarana Utama Aircon (1983-1989).


Earned a Bachelor of   Economy from Diponegoro University, Semarang in 1982.

Concurrent Positions

Commissioner PT. Gesit Alumas

Bambang Rahardja Burhan – Vice President Commissioner – Independent Commissioner

Nationality Indonesia

Legal Basis of Appointment

Appointed as Vice President Commissioner of the Company in accordance with the Deed of GMS No. 38 dated June 28, 2024, the Deed No. 30 dated June 21, 2019, the Deed No. 73 dated June 10, 2016, with a term of office until the end of the 2029 AGMS.

Since 2006 he has joined the Company holding various positions, including

  • As a Commissioner of the Company according to the Deed of AGMS No. 87 dated June 20, 2013, No. 71 dated 24 May 2010, No. 3 dated June 5, 2007, No.1 dated June 1, 2006

Work Experience

  • Country Chief Financial Officer at Standard Chartered Bank Indonesia
  • Finance Manager at Aviva Hong Kong
  • Vice President at City Bank Indonesia


Earned his Bachelor of Economics from University of Hull, England in 1978 and obtained  several professional titles, such as Chartered Accountant in England, Chartered Accountant  in Singapore, and Chartered Financial Analyst.

Concurrent Position

Peng Tjoan – President Commissioner

Nationality Indonesia

Legal Basis of Appointment

Appointed as President Commissioner in accordance with the Deed of GMS No. 38 dated 28 June 2024, the Deed No. 186 dated June 25, 2021, with a term of office until the end of the 2029 GMS.

Since 2006 he has joined the Company holding various positions including:

  • As the President Director of the Company in accordance with the Deed of the GMS No. 30 dated June 21, 2019 and No. 73 June 10, 2016
  • As Vice President Director of the Company in accordance with the Deed of the GMS No. 87 dated 20 June 2013 and No. 76 on 12 August 2011
  • As a Director of the Company according to the Deed of the GMS No. 71 dated 24 May 2010, No. 3 dated June 5, 2007 and No. 1 June 1st 2006

Work Experience

  • Manager of Finance and Accounting in PT Determinan Indah (1993-1999)
  • Audit supervisor at the public accounting firm “Hans Tuanakotta & Mustafa” (1988-1992)


  • Earned a Diploma in Accounting from Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia, Jakarta in 1987
  • Bachelor of Economics from Institut  Bisnis Manajemen Indonesia (IBMI), Jakarta in 2001

Concurrent Positions

  • President Director PT. Gesit Perkasa
  • Director PT. Gesit Alumas
  • President Commissioner PT. Alakasa Extrusindo
  • Commissioner PT. Alakasa Alumina Refineri
  • Commissioner PT. Alakasa Andalan Mitra Sejati